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Elitech Intelligent Vacuum Pump User Manual | ElitechEU

Elitech Intelligent Vacuum Pump User Manual

Elitech SVP-7 Intelligent 2-Stage Vaccum Pump Application-Elitech UK

Product Features

  • lntelligent Control of Motor and Solenoid Valve
  • Leakage Level Judgment
  • Vacuum Change in Graph
  • 4" Touch Screen Display
  • Estimated job Completion Time
  • Data Logging and Storage via App

Technical Parameters

Model SVP-7 SVP-9 SVP-12
Motor Power 3/4 HP (550 W) 1 HP (750 W) 1 HP (750 W)
Pumping Rate 3 L/S (7 CFM) 4 L/S (9 CFM) 5 L/S (12 CFM)
Oil Volume 650 ml/ 22 oz 650 ml/ 22 oz 750 ml/ 25.3 oz
Weight 14.8kg/ 34.2lbs 15.3kg/ 35.3lbs 16kg/ 36.8lbs
Stage 2 Stages
Power Supply 220V/50Hz  or 110V/60Hz
Motor AC Induction Motor
Speed Regulation Fixed Speed
Vacuum Accuracy 1-10000 microns ±10%; 10000-19000 microns ±20%;
Operating Temperature 5°C~ 40°C (41°F~ 104°F)
Bluetooth transmission Distance 30 ft / 10 m
Ultimate Vacuum 15 microns
Vacuum Unit micron, kPa, Pa, mbar, inHg, Torr, mTorr
Tool Dimension 470*267*380 mm / 18.5*10.5*14.8 in.
Air Inlet 1/4 SAE


Vacuum Pump Panel Instruction

Operation Guide

Conditions that must be met
1. Place on a flat surface.
2. Confirm the voltage and frequency at the outlet match with the vacuum pump specifications.
3. Confirm the oil level is within the Min and Max level.
4. Remove the air inlet cap (1/4 SAE), connect the pumped system (make sure the pipe fitting is fit with the air inlet fitting). Tighten the air inlet andmake sure the system and hoses are sealed with no leakage.
5. Plug in the power cord and open the exhaust port.

Vacuum Pump Interface Instruction

Main Interface

Elitech Vacuum Pump Main Interface

(1) The status bar on top of the page shows the product model, time, Bluetooth status and record status.
1. Model numbers varies depending on the product models.
2. Bluetooth not connect; Bluetooth connected.
3. During operation,  appear when temperature exceeds the upper alarm limit, and  appear when temperature below the lower alarm limit.
4. Record: close means no data is recorded.Record: Open means that data isbeing recorded.

(2) The middle part of the page is the sub-interface button.
1.  Real-time measurement interface
2.  Graph
3.  Vacuum parameter setting
4.  System parameter display and setting

1. Real time measurement interface
Click the "Measure" button on the main interface to enter the real-time measuremen tinterface.

Vacuum Pump Real time measurement interface-Elitech UK

(1) Motor Status: show the current status of the motor.
(2) Motor Temp/Limit: show the surface temperature of the pump chassis and set the alarm temperature.
(3) Oil Temp/Limit: show vacuum pump oil temperature and set the alarm temperature.
(4) Vacuum Status: display the current vacuum value status, "Decrease", "Stable","Rise", "--".
(5) Estimated End Time: when the vacuum is stable, it shows the estimated job
completion time including holding time.
(6) Vacuum Reading Display: Vacuum readings shows when the vacuum of the system in real-time is below 60000microns.The waiting time for the vacuumreading is longer for a larger system.
Note: The vacuum reading varies due to the sensor placement different.The readingvariances is caused by the uneven air flow during the vacuuming process. The fartherthe air from the pump, the higher the air density is thus the vacuum reading is higher.
(7) Leakage level: when the vacuum is stable, check the leakage possibility from 0 to100 levels. 0 represent uncertain leakage.The larger the number,the greater thepossibility of the leakage.
(8)  Key: return to the main interface.

2. Graph
Click the "Graph" button on the main interface to view the vacuum change in real time.

Elitech Vacuum Pump Graph-Elitech UK

(1) When the vacuum value drops below 60000microns, the vacuum change graph is displayed.
(2) The X axis represent time.v axis represent vacuum.The vacuum value is from 0-60000microns .
(3 )  Key: return to the main interface.

3. Setting
Click the "Settings"button on the main menu to enter the setting interface.
Unit (P/T)
Select Unit to set the unit for vacuum and temperature.The selected units are in green.
Elitech Vacuum Pump Unit Setting

Set the minimum vacuum value, logging interval, and recording status.

Vacuum Pump Vaccum Value Setting-Elitech UK

(1) Minimum Vacuum: set the target vacuum value.The range of the minimum vacuum value is 8-750 microns. Click the change button to switch the minimum vacuum value;the display unit changes according to the selected unit.
(2) Logging Interval (S):1,5,10,30,60,120,300.
(3) Recording Status: The logging can be turned on and off.The upper right corner shows the logging/ recording status.


Elitech Vacuum Pump Time

(1) Set and save the time then it shows at the top of the screen.
(2)  Change key.
(3)  Key: return to the main interface.

4. System
ln the main menu, click the " System" button to enter the system interface.

Elitech Vacuum Pump System-Elitech UK

(1) Running Time: refer to the accumulated running time of the motor.
(2) Holding Time: refer to the time for the vacuum pump to continue vacuuming after the target vacuum value is stable.
(3) Flow Rate: refer to the pumping speed of the vacuum pump.
(4)  Change key.
(5)  Key: return to the main interface.

Temperature alarm
When the oil temperature or motor chassis temperature exceedsthe upper limit alarm temperature set by the APP, the motor and solenoid valve areclosed, the temperature alarm icon "" is displayed at the top of the screen; Whenthe temperature decrease within the alarm temperature, the alarm will be cleared, andthe vacuum work continues. lf temperature exceeds the offline alarm temperature, thetemperature alarm icon "" will be displayed on the top of the vacuum pump screen,the motor operation will not be affected.

5. After using the vacuum pump
1.Close the valve between the pump and the pumped container.
2.Turn off the power switch on the pump, unplug the power plug, and remove theconnecting pipe.
3.Finally, close the air inlet cap to prevent dirt or floating particles from entering thepump cavity.

Care And Maintenance

1. When the vacuum is started, the air pressure is relatively high and the pumpexhaust volume is large, thus oil mist will be overflowing with a large amount ofgas.This is a common phenomenon for a rotary vane vacuum pump.
When the vacuum drops to a very low level, the pump exhaust volume is small,and there will be no oil mist.Therefore, user should regularly monitor the oil levelvia the oil window to avoid running out of oil.
2.During operation, storage and transportation, keep the vacuum pump clean toprevent pollutants such as water, mechanical impurities,etc.from entering thepump so as not to affect the service life of the vacuum pump and the normaloperation of the system.
3.The oil in the pump should be drained if it is not used for a long time.Store thepump in a dry and clean environment.
4.The diameter of the pipe is larger than the inner diameter of the air inlet to avoidaffecting the pumping speed.
5.Check the tightness of the pipe connection to prevent leakage.Recommend usingthe vacuum grease on the connection and clamp it with a clamp to ensurethe seal.6.Do not use the pump to pump out gases which contain high level of oxygen,metalcorrosive and explosive gases.Iln addition, do not pump in any gases that reactwith pump oil and containing large amount of water vapor.
7.It is recommended to clean the catcher once every half year.

How to replace the vacuum pump oil?
1. Run the pump for about 3-5minutes until it is warmed up to runs out the pump oil.
2. When the pump is running, open the air inlet port at the same time to let the oil flowback to the oil tank.The pump must stop when replacing the oil.
Stop the pump and open the oil drain plug.Then open the catcher to speed up theprocess of oil exhausting.
3. Tilt the pump body to completely drain the residual oil, and tighten the drain plug.
4. Open the catch device and add the new pump oil.
5. Cover the air inlet cap and start the pump to run-check the oil level after oneminute.lf the oil level is below the lower limit, slowly add the oil until it reaches thenormal oil level.Finally, screw on the catcher.

Troubleshooting Guide


Failure Phenomenon Cause of lssue troubleshooting Method
Low Vacuum 1.Insufficient oil Add oil between the maximum and minimum level
2.Pump oil Emulsified,Polluted Replace with new oil
3.The Oil lnlet ls Blocked or the OilSupply is Insufficient Clean the oil inlet and filter
4.Leakage of the Pump System and connection Check the system and the connection to prevent the leakage
5.Improper Selection of Pump Check the size of the pumped container,recalculate and select the appropriate type of pump
6.Parts Wear and Tear due to Long Time Used. Repair or replace with a new pump
Oil Leakage 1.The Oil Seal ls Damaged Replace oil seal
2.Loose or Damaged Tank Connections Tighten the screws and replace the 0 -ring
Fuel lnjection 1.Too Much of Oil Drain the oil to the oil level line
2.The Air Inlet ls Over Pressured for a Long Time Choose a pump with larger pumping speed
Difficulty Starting 1.Oil Temperature is Too Low Open the air inlet, start the motor repeatedly or heat up the pump oil
2.Motor Failure Check and repair
3.Foreign Objects Fallen into the Pump Check and clean
4.Power Failure Check the repair
5.The Power Supply Voltage ls Too Low Check the power supply voltage
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